Sunday, February 3, 2008

About the Editing.

I think Editing is one of the useful ways to improving writing. I actually haven't had any experience about editing before doing homework. I always I need to have editing by others. However, it is very helpful in terms of learning others' writing style.

First, it gives a chance to read about other's writing. It helps for me to see how differently others express their opinion and ideas. All of us are same level, so we can learn each other's style easily. Sometime when I search internet article, it is too fancy for me to use that expression. However, for our classmates' writing, they use very similar level of English but I can learn how effectively they write their opinion.

Second, it gives a wide view. I try to know about what a person is trying to say than what are grammar mistakes. I realized though editing, making sense is more important than small mistakes. For examples, I keep reminding me "Is it reasonable?" "Does it smoothly written?” when I edit rather than "Is there any mistakes?" To find better way to express others' opinion, I am more careful and concentrated on reading.

Third, even though it leads us to have wide view, it also gives to think about grammar. Through several times reviewing, I notice naturally what grammar mistakes that a writer has. It is very strange. When I write down something, it is hardly shown. It is, however, easily noticeable when I read other's writing. While I am collecting others' mistakes, I am also learning.

These are why I think editing is useful. It gives chances to read others' writing and think about whole essay structures and grammar mistakes.