Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Haste makes waste

While I was growing up, I learned "haste makes waste". "More haste, less speed" is another idom of Korea.
I agreed with it. Before I decide to do something, I really tried not to hasten. However, thesedays, my thought is changed. Most of time, I thought too much to prepare for the future so I couldn't even start. I felt I wasted my time. If we are in hurry, we can make mistakes. In other hand, we learned from that mistakes.


Metalmaster said...

In some points, I agree with you
if you are in hurry, we can make many mistakes.

We will,we will rock U!! said...

So, before you start sth., you should make it clear, lear enough. Then, you can do it in a very short time with least mistakes or even no mistakes.