Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Public Transpotation should Provide for Free.

Public Transportations should Provide for Free.

When I commute, I always use C-train. It’s for 2.5 per adult. I don’t need to buy ticket because I have already gotten ticket until next January. When I saw that the police caught the people who took C-train without paying in the morning. I thought pubic transportation system should provide to us for free. What’s your opinion?

We paid so much tax. But comparing with high tax rate, we don’t have enough quality of life. If it served free of charge, our quality of life would be better.

What about pollution? Canada is very big country so many people have to drive cars, but many cases even though they don’t need cars, they just do. The more people drive, the worse pollution might occur. If people could use public transportation free, driving rate would be decreased and it would be helpful to preserve our environment.

To have better service, better air circumstance, government stop charging fee for transportation. ^^

I think that we agree!


Sharon said...

Hi, Yun. I agree with you, the ticket price here for public transportation is not cheap at all.

Abdulmohsen's said...


I don't think so

Unknown said...

I hate public transit.. They are never on time..
Stupid calgary transit... It takes me 1 and a half hour for a half an hour car drive to school...
And by the way, This one is my real blog so come and Check it out!!~

Rebeca said...

I agree with you yun. If not free, it should be less expensive and of better quality.

^~FeLiX~^ said...

Yep, I don't agree. Because in Hong Kong, the public transportation is a lot better than here. We have a prefect system there.
So I hate the public transport here

Rebeca said...

Hi Yun,
I have a gift for you!
We should do something this weekend!