I went to watch movie. I wanted to watch chick flick, but I watched "Leather Head". I actually wanted to watch "21" but we could not find any ticket. Anyway, the movie was about football. --;; To be honest, , it is not interesting at all. The story is a little bit of boring and doesn't have any conflicts or climax. Maybe I don't like football is another reason. However, watching George Clooney made me feel better. He is old but still handsome and I love his lower voice and smiling. hihi I am waiting to watch Indiana Johnson. It is coming on May 22. I cannot wait.
What about you guys? Would like to recommand any movie to me?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Art and Entertainment
I am sitting in the library and worrying about a term paper. One of my bad habit is to delay something as possible as I can, especially I feel difficult. So, I am writing blog. --;; Don't get me wrong. I also love writing a blog too. ^^;;
Anyway, these term paper topics are not familiar for me at all. I am not interested in business, energy source, and art. I am surprising at myself. Even in my language, I have very limited opinion about those topics. That is why I feel difficult, but before complaining, there is a good point, too. Last week, when I went to my sister in law's birthday, I met one of her friend, Natalie. She is moving to Calgary from Victoria, and she is talking about the house that she wants to, especially, the house has saving energy system. She describes the system, and I noticed that has geotheminal (? I forgot spelling) energy source. You guys should have watched me. I was very excited to talk about it because I know about. Guess what? No one did seem to care me, but I was so proud of myself. haha. I never thought that I would use energy sources as topics, but I used. Anyway, I realized to have wide interest is important, again. How many students feel bored about chapter.9? I am not bored but that is true not to have many topics to write and say. For example, rock'n roll in listening class, I wish I knew some musicians. For many names I have never heard even. What about painting? I know that is good, but talking about it is not favourite. I think that I should try to know about western culture more. In many cases, I am having many chances to talk about hockey, music and movies. I thought that those are not related to my English studying. However, now I have changed my thought. If I learn to language, learning their culture might be a good idea because language and culture are very close. When I wrote my speaking journal, I knew my topics were limited. For some topics, I can talk confidently, but for others, I don't have any idea. I feel that music and hockey are pretty important.
Anyway, these term paper topics are not familiar for me at all. I am not interested in business, energy source, and art. I am surprising at myself. Even in my language, I have very limited opinion about those topics. That is why I feel difficult, but before complaining, there is a good point, too. Last week, when I went to my sister in law's birthday, I met one of her friend, Natalie. She is moving to Calgary from Victoria, and she is talking about the house that she wants to, especially, the house has saving energy system. She describes the system, and I noticed that has geotheminal (? I forgot spelling) energy source. You guys should have watched me. I was very excited to talk about it because I know about. Guess what? No one did seem to care me, but I was so proud of myself. haha. I never thought that I would use energy sources as topics, but I used. Anyway, I realized to have wide interest is important, again. How many students feel bored about chapter.9? I am not bored but that is true not to have many topics to write and say. For example, rock'n roll in listening class, I wish I knew some musicians. For many names I have never heard even. What about painting? I know that is good, but talking about it is not favourite. I think that I should try to know about western culture more. In many cases, I am having many chances to talk about hockey, music and movies. I thought that those are not related to my English studying. However, now I have changed my thought. If I learn to language, learning their culture might be a good idea because language and culture are very close. When I wrote my speaking journal, I knew my topics were limited. For some topics, I can talk confidently, but for others, I don't have any idea. I feel that music and hockey are pretty important.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Getting a Cold
My husband always teaseas me that I am like a reptile because I feel cold and hot easily. Comparing to Korea, Calagry is too cold. Korea is more humid and hotter. First reason is that I am not used to cold weather. We also have winter, but especially Seoul, The capital city of Korea, which I am from, harldly has snow even in winter. Another reason is on my bad blood circulation. My feet and hands are fleezing during winter because hands and feet is the end of body part( I know this word in English, but I can't remember now). So, I usually try to find places to make my feet or hands warm. people's back of necks are very warm. HaHa.
Poor my husband! Whenever I complain about cold weather, He insists that problems are on me, not Calgary weather. he said that I am from Korea which is not interested in hockey at all, so I am weak. Whatever! I don't believe that! Anyway, He got a cold now. I am still complaining weather, but I am pretty heathy. Maybe traing when people are young does not help to be strong getting a cold. --;;
I am thinking to cook chicken soup that I learned from Lana, now. Soup will be good for sore throat of him. I don't care how many times he teases me. I hope he will be alright soon that is all I want.
Poor my husband! Whenever I complain about cold weather, He insists that problems are on me, not Calgary weather. he said that I am from Korea which is not interested in hockey at all, so I am weak. Whatever! I don't believe that! Anyway, He got a cold now. I am still complaining weather, but I am pretty heathy. Maybe traing when people are young does not help to be strong getting a cold. --;;
I am thinking to cook chicken soup that I learned from Lana, now. Soup will be good for sore throat of him. I don't care how many times he teases me. I hope he will be alright soon that is all I want.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Study Group
I was thinking about making a study group during the reading class. I love to study with a group. In the group, I can make sure for my understanding through discussion. It also helps me to remember vocabs and contents easily. Moreover, I can avoid being lazy because I break my promises of studying easily. I want to improve my English skills. There are many ways, but I prefer to read more to be better in English. To be honest, I am not a big fan of reading. ^^;; When I was a student in Korea, I was very busy to prepare for entrance exam of University. I memorized many things and practiced tests. Because of that, I did not have time to read books that I wanted to, or just enjoy. It might be a just good excuse, but anyway, I did not read a lot. First, I started to read to do homework in this semester. Later, I notice that I really enjoy reading. So, I was thinking about making study group for reading. Now I need to get certain score in TOEFL except EAP to apply nursing. I know no one likes TOEFL, but anyway I need it. That's reality ( When Murray said, monkey can pass that the test. I was laughing because I could not pass.) so, someone who needs TOEFL score by June 30 can join studying with me, or we could make reading group after EAP, or during. I think that will be fantastic idea. We can read many things and share many ideas. ^^ Someone who is interesting in it let me know. I will try to make a plan. I am so excited. ^^
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Carpe Diem!
I was almost dying on Saturday. The road was very snowy and icy. We drove very slowly and carefully because it was white out condition. Suddenly, the car cut into our lane. There was not enough distance between the car and us. In addition, What a stupid driver! He started drove slowly. It made us even worse. We were almost hitting the car was driving in front of us. For a second, my husband turned our car to the left quickly to avoid hitting the car, and we lost our control. Our car spined 3 times toward right side. I thought I was dying. Luckly, our car was stoped just before the edge and we alived. Everything happened for a moment.
At night, I was thinking about how thankful we live togater. I decided to be more possitive and to say "thank you" or " I love you" more frequently. I have never taught about I could die any time. I always just believe I will live for a long time. This accident changed my mind. Who knows when we are going to die? I will enjoy my life and try not to do anything makes me regret. Thanks God.
At night, I was thinking about how thankful we live togater. I decided to be more possitive and to say "thank you" or " I love you" more frequently. I have never taught about I could die any time. I always just believe I will live for a long time. This accident changed my mind. Who knows when we are going to die? I will enjoy my life and try not to do anything makes me regret. Thanks God.
My baby
When my husband said to my mom about that we are going to have a black baby, my mom was shocked. She did not understand how come her daughter is going to have a black baby even though her daugher has gotten married just three weeks ago with a white guy. haha
The trueth is that we are going to have a black shunauzer puppy. Look at the picture. Oh~~~! isn't it cute? I was strongly against having a puppy at first becuase having a pet needs to have strong reponsibilities such as giving her bath or talking a walk togater everyday. I thought I was not ready to have a pet. However, when I saw this little baby on Saterday, I changed my mind. She is so cute. Her smell was so sweet and her body was warm. She loved to lying on my husband hands more than mine. It was OK.
The trueth is that we are going to have a black shunauzer puppy. Look at the picture. Oh~~~! isn't it cute? I was strongly against having a puppy at first becuase having a pet needs to have strong reponsibilities such as giving her bath or talking a walk togater everyday. I thought I was not ready to have a pet. However, when I saw this little baby on Saterday, I changed my mind. She is so cute. Her smell was so sweet and her body was warm. She loved to lying on my husband hands more than mine. It was OK.
I have just loved her. ^^ Like a picture, she could have not opened her eyes yet. Owener told me she also could not hear, either. I saw she was dreaming. What is her dream about? She doesn't have any images and sounds. Howcwer, her dream seemed very sweet. I cannot wait to see her soon. I want to be a good mom!^^
Ps. oh! I am thinking about a good name for her. Is there any good suggestion?^^
Friday, March 14, 2008
Finally, TGIF!
Friday is my favorite day because I don’t need to do homeworks for the next day. ^^
During week days, I am usually busy to do all of my do lists in certain time. However, on Friday I don't usually think about thoese things.
Actually, I don't have special plans for weekend. What do I do usually? I think I usually cleaning and cooking. ^^;; During week days, I don't have time to clean well, but I can do on weekends. I know it doesn't sound interesting, but I like it. I love to clean all places and do lundaries. It is one way to relief my stress. After cleaning, having a coffee with good music is my favorite.
Oh! cooking! This is my new hobby. When I was in Korea, I have never cooked. My mother always takes care of me. She is a really good cook. Unfortunally, I have not had chances to learn cooking from my mom. So, when I came to Canada first. Most foods that I bought is frozen foods, noodles, ice creams, cookies... etc. Instant food or junk food.. -.- I started to cook to survive. I broke so many dishes and made something horrible foods. Later, I became better. Now, I am a good cook. hihi. I love to read cooking book ( becuase it has a lot of pictures) I noticed that western food cooking is much easier than Koren food cooking. Anyway, nothing will be special on this weekend, too. However, I think that spending more time with my family makes always me happy. I am thinking what I am going to cook tonight. If you have a good idea, let me know. ^^
Have a good weekend.
Friday is my favorite day because I don’t need to do homeworks for the next day. ^^
During week days, I am usually busy to do all of my do lists in certain time. However, on Friday I don't usually think about thoese things.
Actually, I don't have special plans for weekend. What do I do usually? I think I usually cleaning and cooking. ^^;; During week days, I don't have time to clean well, but I can do on weekends. I know it doesn't sound interesting, but I like it. I love to clean all places and do lundaries. It is one way to relief my stress. After cleaning, having a coffee with good music is my favorite.
Oh! cooking! This is my new hobby. When I was in Korea, I have never cooked. My mother always takes care of me. She is a really good cook. Unfortunally, I have not had chances to learn cooking from my mom. So, when I came to Canada first. Most foods that I bought is frozen foods, noodles, ice creams, cookies... etc. Instant food or junk food.. -.- I started to cook to survive. I broke so many dishes and made something horrible foods. Later, I became better. Now, I am a good cook. hihi. I love to read cooking book ( becuase it has a lot of pictures) I noticed that western food cooking is much easier than Koren food cooking. Anyway, nothing will be special on this weekend, too. However, I think that spending more time with my family makes always me happy. I am thinking what I am going to cook tonight. If you have a good idea, let me know. ^^
Have a good weekend.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Working - my dream job
My dream job is that of a travel writer because it is very adventurous. A travel writer can go to many different places that are famous or that are not known to the public yet. I love to travel and want to have more exposure to experience about different cultures. Thus, I would probably not feel like I am working if I were to be a travel writer. Someone may sponsor me if I became famous. In this case I can travel free and also earn money. It is also very creative job because a travel writer makes a story about a trip and sometimes recommends good places and routes that people don’t already know. Keeping busy does not make me feel bored and invigorates me. That is why a travel writer is a dream job for me.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
If I have a chance to open business in Korea with experience living in Canada, I would like to open “Tim Horton.” These days because of the effect of western culture, drinking coffee is more popular than drinking tea. Some people are against drinking Star bugs coffee that shows capitalism. They say that America use star bugs to invade other countries, not only to earn money, but also conquer culture. Anyways, coffee lovers are getting increased despite criticizing and worries.
I also love to drink coffee. When I saw Tim Horton at first, I thought it is cool because they sell several different kinds of foods such as soup sandwiches, bagel etc. I think in Korea we have coffee shop which sell only coffee. They usually sell muffin or cookies but they don’t make any food. However, in Tim Horton give more options to get fresh food. I think people like it.
It might be more popular than Star bugs.
On the other hand, if I have a chance to open business in Canada with experience living in Korea. I would like to open singing room. It is little different from Karaoke. We don’t sell any alcohol in singing room. Usually it is for young people’s entertainment place. For example, out side of singing room is made out of window, so young people make sure their safety. In addition, they can use a room for singing with only their friends, so they do not worry their singing ability. Customers also can get a tape of their singing or they can see themselves through screen while they are singing or dancing. I think in Calgary, Canada, they don’t have much entertainment place for teenagers. I think if I open this business, I will be successful. Isn’t it a good idea?
I also love to drink coffee. When I saw Tim Horton at first, I thought it is cool because they sell several different kinds of foods such as soup sandwiches, bagel etc. I think in Korea we have coffee shop which sell only coffee. They usually sell muffin or cookies but they don’t make any food. However, in Tim Horton give more options to get fresh food. I think people like it.
It might be more popular than Star bugs.
On the other hand, if I have a chance to open business in Canada with experience living in Korea. I would like to open singing room. It is little different from Karaoke. We don’t sell any alcohol in singing room. Usually it is for young people’s entertainment place. For example, out side of singing room is made out of window, so young people make sure their safety. In addition, they can use a room for singing with only their friends, so they do not worry their singing ability. Customers also can get a tape of their singing or they can see themselves through screen while they are singing or dancing. I think in Calgary, Canada, they don’t have much entertainment place for teenagers. I think if I open this business, I will be successful. Isn’t it a good idea?

Dreams show people's mind. These days I dream about my friends and parents. I usually see them in the cruise ship in my dream. I think that I miss them so much. Because of that, I dream the moment that I met them recently. I talked with them but usually in the end of the dream, I was sad. I cannot remember why I was sad. However, I can guess dream reflect current my feeling. These days, I am sad. I thought that I get used to live in Canada, but after meeting them in my wedding, I am so confused emotionally. It affects my dream. So I can not sleep well. Even though I cannot remember the story of my dream, I remember clearly how I felt in my dream. It is same feeling as the feeling that I have in real life. That is way I strongly believe that dreams show people’s mind.
Another interesting thing in dream is dream is the way to relief stress. Many people included me, when they are stressed out, they choose to sleep. After sleeping, they feel better. One of my friends is very good example of it. She is my best friend, and we had lived for 4 years during attending University. She is very kind and polite. She doesn’t like to argue with others. The interesting thing is when she has disagreement with others or complains about something. She fights with them in her dreams. Many times she talked about it while she was sleeping, so I could hear that. While she was having dream, she was very aggressive and tough. It was very opposite to herself in real life. I think that dream is the way of relief stress for her. Therefore, after dreaming, she can calm and deal with something in logical way.
Another interesting thing in dream is dream is the way to relief stress. Many people included me, when they are stressed out, they choose to sleep. After sleeping, they feel better. One of my friends is very good example of it. She is my best friend, and we had lived for 4 years during attending University. She is very kind and polite. She doesn’t like to argue with others. The interesting thing is when she has disagreement with others or complains about something. She fights with them in her dreams. Many times she talked about it while she was sleeping, so I could hear that. While she was having dream, she was very aggressive and tough. It was very opposite to herself in real life. I think that dream is the way of relief stress for her. Therefore, after dreaming, she can calm and deal with something in logical way.
Can I say that I explore city? I think exploring city is only my experience in terms of exploring if I can say that it is one of type of exploring. I was born and raised in Seoul, capital city of Korea. It is really big city like New York. Many people, cars…… Streets are so complicated. So, living in Seoul needs for people to explore complicated city everyday.
However, I know that generally explorer means a person who explore new places or area that it has not known yet to public. For example, jungles, mountains, seas, islands and the space can be the places that people want to explore. I respect those people because they are brave and help knowledge to widen with discovering unknown things. It seems to look very adventurous and challenging, but I will never do it for a million years because I am scared for it.
I think that Canadian love to explore nature. They love to go camping during summer. Sometimes they can meet a wild bear. I didn’t understand what was really beautiful when I saw Lake Louise and Rocky Mountain at fist. It was just lake and forest. Now, I can a little feel why it is beautiful such as inartificial, peaceful, being able to feel power of nature etc.
Exploring is not my interest yet because I don’t have much experience. However, if I have a chance I would like to go Africa and explore jungle or small village which is not developed yet. Or I may want to go space if I could have a chance. I believe that people learn many things and also can grow up through exploring. Living in Canada and studying new area can be treated current exploration for me in terms of challenging new area. I am pretty enjoying so far and expect that I also have a chance to mature and become a better person through it.
However, I know that generally explorer means a person who explore new places or area that it has not known yet to public. For example, jungles, mountains, seas, islands and the space can be the places that people want to explore. I respect those people because they are brave and help knowledge to widen with discovering unknown things. It seems to look very adventurous and challenging, but I will never do it for a million years because I am scared for it.
I think that Canadian love to explore nature. They love to go camping during summer. Sometimes they can meet a wild bear. I didn’t understand what was really beautiful when I saw Lake Louise and Rocky Mountain at fist. It was just lake and forest. Now, I can a little feel why it is beautiful such as inartificial, peaceful, being able to feel power of nature etc.
Exploring is not my interest yet because I don’t have much experience. However, if I have a chance I would like to go Africa and explore jungle or small village which is not developed yet. Or I may want to go space if I could have a chance. I believe that people learn many things and also can grow up through exploring. Living in Canada and studying new area can be treated current exploration for me in terms of challenging new area. I am pretty enjoying so far and expect that I also have a chance to mature and become a better person through it.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
About the Editing.
I think Editing is one of the useful ways to improving writing. I actually haven't had any experience about editing before doing homework. I always I need to have editing by others. However, it is very helpful in terms of learning others' writing style.
First, it gives a chance to read about other's writing. It helps for me to see how differently others express their opinion and ideas. All of us are same level, so we can learn each other's style easily. Sometime when I search internet article, it is too fancy for me to use that expression. However, for our classmates' writing, they use very similar level of English but I can learn how effectively they write their opinion.
Second, it gives a wide view. I try to know about what a person is trying to say than what are grammar mistakes. I realized though editing, making sense is more important than small mistakes. For examples, I keep reminding me "Is it reasonable?" "Does it smoothly written?” when I edit rather than "Is there any mistakes?" To find better way to express others' opinion, I am more careful and concentrated on reading.
Third, even though it leads us to have wide view, it also gives to think about grammar. Through several times reviewing, I notice naturally what grammar mistakes that a writer has. It is very strange. When I write down something, it is hardly shown. It is, however, easily noticeable when I read other's writing. While I am collecting others' mistakes, I am also learning.
These are why I think editing is useful. It gives chances to read others' writing and think about whole essay structures and grammar mistakes.
First, it gives a chance to read about other's writing. It helps for me to see how differently others express their opinion and ideas. All of us are same level, so we can learn each other's style easily. Sometime when I search internet article, it is too fancy for me to use that expression. However, for our classmates' writing, they use very similar level of English but I can learn how effectively they write their opinion.
Second, it gives a wide view. I try to know about what a person is trying to say than what are grammar mistakes. I realized though editing, making sense is more important than small mistakes. For examples, I keep reminding me "Is it reasonable?" "Does it smoothly written?” when I edit rather than "Is there any mistakes?" To find better way to express others' opinion, I am more careful and concentrated on reading.
Third, even though it leads us to have wide view, it also gives to think about grammar. Through several times reviewing, I notice naturally what grammar mistakes that a writer has. It is very strange. When I write down something, it is hardly shown. It is, however, easily noticeable when I read other's writing. While I am collecting others' mistakes, I am also learning.
These are why I think editing is useful. It gives chances to read others' writing and think about whole essay structures and grammar mistakes.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
EAP3 first impression
What is my fist impression for EAP 3?
To be honest, I was disappointed because of the schedule. As you know, students, who attend lecture 1, have perfect schedule from 10:00- 2:00 and don’t need to move to another classroom during writing and grammar class.
Why it is a matter for me? I got a job offer as a home stay coordinator that I really want to work, and I can’t take it because employer wants to hire me from 3 pm. Another reason is that I and my best friend are not in the same class.
However I am getting feel better for attending EAP3. Especially, I love to attend the listening. I still feel a little bit of being lonely, but I believe that I make many new friends soon.
For the aspects of studying, EAP 3 seems to be much more serious than EAP2, I am really nervous because I would really like to attend regular academic program this year to become a nurse. In order to do, I need especially to have good grade for the speaking and the writing . I try to keep a diary in English and speak English as much as I can. Another thing makes me nervous is that atmosphere seems a little unfriendly. I am the person who hate strict atmosohere. I do usually better when I work with groups and when rules are flexible, so I am a little stressed out. For example, I haven’t had chance to talk with every classmate yet.
Anyway, both studying hard and enjoying my life are important for me. I expect to be totally satisfied with EAp3 in the last moment of this semester. ^^
To be honest, I was disappointed because of the schedule. As you know, students, who attend lecture 1, have perfect schedule from 10:00- 2:00 and don’t need to move to another classroom during writing and grammar class.
Why it is a matter for me? I got a job offer as a home stay coordinator that I really want to work, and I can’t take it because employer wants to hire me from 3 pm. Another reason is that I and my best friend are not in the same class.
However I am getting feel better for attending EAP3. Especially, I love to attend the listening. I still feel a little bit of being lonely, but I believe that I make many new friends soon.
For the aspects of studying, EAP 3 seems to be much more serious than EAP2, I am really nervous because I would really like to attend regular academic program this year to become a nurse. In order to do, I need especially to have good grade for the speaking and the writing . I try to keep a diary in English and speak English as much as I can. Another thing makes me nervous is that atmosphere seems a little unfriendly. I am the person who hate strict atmosohere. I do usually better when I work with groups and when rules are flexible, so I am a little stressed out. For example, I haven’t had chance to talk with every classmate yet.
Anyway, both studying hard and enjoying my life are important for me. I expect to be totally satisfied with EAp3 in the last moment of this semester. ^^
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